Monday Momentum

Avoid Guilt in Relationships

It’s not uncommon to feel guilt about our relationships. With all the different responsibilities and burdens we feel, we can feel like we’re just not doing enough. It’s important to...

Avoid Guilt in Relationships

It’s not uncommon to feel guilt about our relationships. With all the different responsibilities and burdens we feel, we can feel like we’re just not doing enough. It’s important to...

Generosity and Abundance Mindset

Do you think there is enough to go around? Do you think that you will be provided for if you don’t grasp to control your life? Generosity is a reflection...

Generosity and Abundance Mindset

Do you think there is enough to go around? Do you think that you will be provided for if you don’t grasp to control your life? Generosity is a reflection...

Experiencing Your Full Potential

What we are attracted to in other people often represents the latent potential that is already lying dormant within us. Think of the people in your life that you look...

Experiencing Your Full Potential

What we are attracted to in other people often represents the latent potential that is already lying dormant within us. Think of the people in your life that you look...

Generosity is Currency

Generosity is a currency that transcends monetary value; it's a currency of the heart that enriches both the giver and the receiver. Just as the exchange of money facilitates transactions,...

Generosity is Currency

Generosity is a currency that transcends monetary value; it's a currency of the heart that enriches both the giver and the receiver. Just as the exchange of money facilitates transactions,...

Same Action, Different Spirit

This month our theme is generosity. Growth in generosity doesn’t always mean doing more. Sometimes it just means doing the same thing in a different spirit. Every day you do...

Same Action, Different Spirit

This month our theme is generosity. Growth in generosity doesn’t always mean doing more. Sometimes it just means doing the same thing in a different spirit. Every day you do...

Putting First Things First

Properly ordering our lives is about putting first things first. When it comes to productivity, the first thing isn’t focus or even discipline but rather clarity. If you aren’t clear...

Putting First Things First

Properly ordering our lives is about putting first things first. When it comes to productivity, the first thing isn’t focus or even discipline but rather clarity. If you aren’t clear...

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