Monday Momentum

A Virtuous Cycle

The PAR Method stands for prepare, act, reflect. When we fail to practice all three, we run into trouble. Without reflection, we fall out of alignment. Without action, we stay...

A Virtuous Cycle

The PAR Method stands for prepare, act, reflect. When we fail to practice all three, we run into trouble. Without reflection, we fall out of alignment. Without action, we stay...

Combat Fear With Reflection

For most of us, fear is a future oriented emotion. It’s tied to our worries and anxieties about the future and the threats this imagined future might bring. One of...

Combat Fear With Reflection

For most of us, fear is a future oriented emotion. It’s tied to our worries and anxieties about the future and the threats this imagined future might bring. One of...

Slow is Progress

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” - Peter Drucker. The irony is we accomplish far more of the most important...

Slow is Progress

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” - Peter Drucker. The irony is we accomplish far more of the most important...

Relationships Increase Meaning

Relationships give meaning to our lives. In interviews with those who are dying, the most common regrets people often share are tied to relationships and the lack of connection to...

Relationships Increase Meaning

Relationships give meaning to our lives. In interviews with those who are dying, the most common regrets people often share are tied to relationships and the lack of connection to...

We are Permeable Beings

As you were growing up you probably heard the old adage that you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. This phenomenon isn’t reserved only...

We are Permeable Beings

As you were growing up you probably heard the old adage that you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. This phenomenon isn’t reserved only...

Your Most Important Relationship

If you want to come to meaningful change, one of the most important relationships to pay attention to is the one you have with yourself. How we relate to the...

Your Most Important Relationship

If you want to come to meaningful change, one of the most important relationships to pay attention to is the one you have with yourself. How we relate to the...

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